CEO & Co-Founder, Anaveon (July 2024)

Andreas Katopodis is the Co-founder of Anaveon with 26 years’ experience at Novartis and Ciba-Geigy and previously faculty member at the Georgia Institute of Technology. At Anaveon, he has completed multiple funding rounds and led the team which developed two compounds currently in Ph I/II studies. At Novartis he was responsible for early target discovery for immune mediated diseases, such as solid organ transplantation and autoimmunity. He also developed multiple candidates from early research to clinical studies. Andreas obtained his PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the Georgia Institute of Technology and an MBA from the Rochester University program.

Key milestones in your career journey to date?

  • I was inspired by one of my school professors to follow science rather than archaeology.
  • My PhD advisor demonstrated how science impacts industry and drug development; leading to a varied and fulfilling career with Novartis.
  • Leaving big pharma in my mid-50s and relishing a new challenge with early-stage biotech.

Who has had the greatest influence over your career?

  • My parents encouraged my interest in science; and recognition that delayed gratification is positive.
  • Roy Calne and Peter Medawar inspired my interest in transplantation and immunology.
  • The challenges of cancer then came along!

What top three attributes make an outstanding and relevant leader in today’s world?

  • The power of being honest and authentic; people see through those who are not.
  • The ability to be focused whilst remaining flexible; adjusting the goal as required and knowing when to kill a project.
  • Fairness and respect to others which create the basis for a trusting relationship.

Describe your approach to motivating and leading high-performing, multi-generational teams in a flexible hybrid working culture

  • Encourage younger colleagues to grow and learn, challenge them, reward them with credit for their contribution; support them but let them flourish by finding their own way.
  • Play to the strengths of different age groups; the calm which comes with experience and the energy and excitement from the younger contingent.
  • Give visibility to those in the labs; get them involved with the Board, presenting their achievements, to widen their perspective and build confidence.

Are there particular leadership characteristics which have encouraged greater cultural diversity in your company, resulting in different behaviours and outcomes?

  • Respecting individual perspectives, recognising varied viewpoints create health and balance in a company.
  • The value of experience from those outside the life science sector can be a positive contribution to a team and organisation, in spite of the associated learning curve.

What are your learnings from the Biotech Winter which has engulfed the sector since 2022 and are you feeling quietly confident that a thaw is in process?

  • The timing of our fund raising, just prior to the Biotech Winter, was fortunate.
  • Raise more than you need; manage expectations by over delivering and under promising.
  • Enthusiasm supported by outstanding projects will strengthen your hand.
  • The thaw is gradually coming; be aware of which markets are particularly attractive to investors; for example, the weight loss market is currently both fashionable and valuable.

How do you believe the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) 2022 will impact the biopharma sector, particularly investor habits? (

  • Whilst this has not impacted Anaveon, the importance of patents with a long life is ever critical.

What impact will AI make both operationally and across research applications in your business over the next 5 years?

  • Already we find that reports created through AI are taking 15-20% of the time which traditional lab work and report writing required.
  • Its ability to take disparate data, creating multiple formats for tools like competitive intelligence.
  • Our AI pioneers, a team of 5, update the company monthly on progress.
  • We don’t currently use AI externally or for processing clinical data; but that decision might change in time.

How do you switch off and strive for a healthy work/life balance?

  • Work is my hobby!
  • I have a great family unit who share a passion for culture and sport.
  • We love the visual arts and visit museums and galleries; but equally hike, swim and bike ride together.

Tell me something about your company that you would like to share with the PIR community

  • Anaveon will succeed and evolve because we don’t cut corners, act more like a corporate than start-up, do things right from the beginning, and think commercially about our clinical studies.
  • Whilst the up-front cost is higher, the benefits in the longer term will be evident.

What advice would you give your 23-year old self?

  • Avoid comparing yourself to others; believe in yourself.
  • Find mentors who are there for you, through the inevitable highs and lows of your career.

Words of Wisdom?

  • Best Advice I was given:
    • Fight for what you believe in.
  • Advice I’d give:
    • Always see yourself through other’s eyes.
  • What I wish I’d known:
    • Everyone cooks with water (the German phrase for the grass is not greener); ie everyone is at the same level.