The outbreak of Coronavirus means that many of us are now working from home. Although working from home has its perks, over time it can start to have a damaging effect on our mental health. It can make us feel isolated, unproductive, unmotivated, and stressed.

To help combat these feelings, here are 5 tips from us to protect your mental wellbeing while working from home.

1.      Set up routine and structure for your workday and stick to it

Without a proper schedule the lines between work and personal time can get blurred. Set a routine as if you are going to the office, with a regular start time and regular breaks including a lunch break. Most importantly, finish working and switch off when your workday stops.

2.      Give yourself a break and do some exercise

Making time for regular breaks is important for boosting productivity and managing feelings of stress. If possible, try to get outside at least once a day. Go for a walk, run or bike ride to get some fresh air. You’ll come back feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of your day.

3.      Stay connected with your colleagues

You need to be proactive in organising meetings to maintain positive relationships, ensure you and your team have regular virtual check-ins. Staying connected with others will help reduce stress levels, help you feel less isolated, and stay productive.

4.      Create a dedicated workspace in your home

If possible, find a quiet space in your home away from any distractions. Make sure you have everything you need in one place (laptop, screen, chargers, pens, paper etc.). Furthermore, make sure you sit at a desk or a table, avoid working from the sofa!

5.      Detach yourself from your devices in the evenings

Technology makes it easy to stay connected 24/7, but it can make it difficult to switch off, and separate work and home life. Try a digital detox so you can switch off from work and spend quality time with your family.