News & Events

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Nazneen Rahman – BioLeader Interview

23 June 2021|

Nazneen Rahman BioLeader Interview - Dr Nazneen Rahman, Founder & CEO YewMaker, NED AstraZeneca (June 2021) Nazneen Rahman CBE, MD, PhD, FRCP, FMedSci Nazneen Rahman has made significant contributions to science and medical research over the last 25 years. [...]

BioInvestors Second Edition (Part 2)

18 June 2021|

For the second edition of BioInvestors (Part 2) we are pleased to be joined by key expert investors: Edward Hodgkin, Partner, Syncona, Dina Chaya, Partner, NeoMed, and Roel Bulthuis, Managing Partner, INKEF Capital

Kate Bingham – Keynote Speaker (Anglonordic Life Science Conference)

16 June 2021|

In May 2020 Kate Bingham was appointed Chair of the UK Vaccine Taskforce, reporting to the Prime Minister to lead UK efforts to find and manufacture a COVID-19 vaccine. This was a six month engagement which Kate stepped down [...]

Building Your Board – PIR International Panel Discussion (Anglonordic Life Science Conference)

09 June 2021|

PIR International recently hosted a panel of Biotech industry experts on the topic of ‘Building your Board’ during the 17th Anglonordic life science conference, doing a deep dive on all things necessary to set-up a successful Board for all [...]

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